Race #3
Ben Hoffman (USA)
Age: 34
Kona Record: (6 finishes out of 7 starts)
2009 102nd
2010 53rd
2011 DNF
2013 15th
2014 2nd
2015 28th
2016 4th
Is the extra media/sponsor circus during race week a welcome distraction or a hinderance to preparations?
I think it’s a bit of both, honestly. On the positive side, it reminds us all how important the event is, and it is a component of being professional to represent sponsors at this time. Conversely, race week is about energy conservation, and occasionally the hype and engagements can take away some of that energy if you don’t manage it well. Overall, I look forward to the Kona vibe with excitement.
Is there anything in particular that you need to go right during race week. Or last workout sessions you swear by?
For me it’s more about being adaptable than focusing on a key session. The real work is already done, so it’s more about some light finishing touches and staying in a good mindset during the lead up. The biggest thing I need to go right is to show up to the start line healthy and focused.
What do you wish someone would ask you at a Press Conference?
I think it would be cool to have someone ask me if I have a spirit animal and what it is.
How many devices do you have set to wake you on race morning and what are they?
I only have the one alarm on my phone with a couple back up times shortly after the first wake up call. Kelsey also sets a couple on her phone, and usually I am starting to wake up naturally at that point anyway with the race on my mind.
Photo: Delly Carr
